Surviving Under Martial Law

Martial Law is when the military takes over governmental functions, with an aim at restoring stability and tranquility. Even so, it hasn't always been used that way. A number of times, martial law has been declared as a means of controlling the population and preventing uprising. Used in this way, there really isn’t much difference between a dictator using it and a democratic government using it. In either case, people's liberties are stripped and their lives are controlled by government agents.
It's a term that strikes both fear and anger into the hearts of those of us who love our freedom; anger that the government would use their power to steal our freedom and fear that it could very well happen and happen soon. No true freedom loving patriot likes the idea of the government invoking martial law and many have suspicions that it might just happen; even that it could happen for unjust gain by politicians.

Things to Have and Do:
Common Problems and Constraints Under Martial Law:
Make Yourself Invisible to Authorities:
Prevent Losing Stuff to Others:
Drones can be useful to monitor your property for hazards, planning or trespassers but they can also be used against you to violate your peace and privacy rights. An FAA License is required to fly a drone (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) over property that is not yours. But a license is not required to shoot one out of the sky. And it's not difficult; they are very fragile and nearly any projectile (pellet or BB) will take them out.
Things to consider before shooting them out of the sky:
- The delivery method should not be traced back from the projectile (slingshot, BB/Pellet gun, shotgun).
- A silent form of projectile delivery (pellet or BB rifle) is recommended
- Use a projectile that, when descending* back to earth is not likely to cause harm to others (BB, pellet, birdshot)
- Avoid identification on [the drone] camera^ (wear a disguise, stay out-of-sight and away from your address)
Build an EMP Device to Defend Against Anti-Privacy Electronics
Can You Legally Shoot Down a Drone Over Your Property?
* Be aware of what is behind your target
^ Unless remote recording is used, capturing the drone means you can capture the on-board video (SD) card.

Tips to break away from a mob/riot/looting situation

Crowd Management, Intervention and Control: Most riot participants are followers, not leaders. One of the first things police do in a riotous crowd situation is to identify and eliminate the "leaders". Once the "leaders" are visually elimated from the crowd, the followers usually disperse. Understand that there are organized radical, domestic terriorist groups (Antifa) whose sole purpose is to incite violence. Peaceful protestors should assist law enforcement to identify these terrorists to help disrupt the violence and retore peaceful protests.

Crowd Control Equipment & Tactics:

Surviving Confinement:
Walking into a jail or prison for the first time, no matter who you are or why, is a frightening experience. The mixture of adrenaline, fear, anxiety, and confusion is deafening. After the cell doors slam shut behind you it's time to deal with the situation and begin planning your survival. Prison life is hard and scary, but if you live by their code and stay out of trouble, you might survive your time without much incidence. Here are some things to do:
  • Gain a new instinct for danger. You are now living in close quarters to thieves, rapists, murderers, and liars. It is best to trust your gut instinct rather than ignore it.
  • Respect other inmates. Doing to others as you would want them to do to you is an excellent quote to live by while in prison. Avoid using foul language, being involved in confrontational situations, and entering someone’s personal boundaries.
  • Avoid gangs, drugs, and gambling. A common prison myth is to join a gang as soon as you get inside prison walls for protection. In reality, joining a gang, doing drugs, or participating in gambling are three of the easiest ways to get yourself murdered, injured or shunned.
  • Steer clear of solitary confinement. Although solitary confinement might sound attractive when living among some of the world’s most heinous individuals, it has been linked to torture and mental disorders.
  • Endure solitary confinement. Solitary confinement is generally a cell that gives you little room to move about, no contact with other humans, 23-hours-a-day lockout with minimal exercise, and will, most likely, cause some form of mental illness, even for the most hardy. If you get sent to this isolated hell you better have a plan in place to keep your sanity.
  • Accept your reality. Create personal projects and activities either in your head or hands-on.
  • Keep active to stay healthy in body and mind
  • Stay positive - While staying informed is important, try to read something positive to create more of a balance. Instead of news, try calling a friend. Do something productive, whether it is small or big.
  • Maintain perspective - Even though we find the situation difficult, realize there are many people around the world whose suffering is much worse than ours
How to Deal with Being in Prison
I Spent Eight Years in a Myanmar Prison. This Is What I Learned About Surviving Confinement

Insurrection Act of 1807:
Potential of Civil War:
Suggested Resources:
Martial Law: What You Need to Know to Survive
The Art of Guerilla Warfare: General Principles
Building a Defense Strategy
Make-Shift Tear Gas Mask
Bug Out Or Stay Put?