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Debt can be the single most debilitating "disease" we can have in our lives. When we have debt, we are, truly, a slave to the lender. It affects our relationships, our jobs, our joy (even though we feel that getting more stuff will make us happy). Getting out of debt frees us from the bondage it has on us. If that debt is affecting the joy of life, freedom is possible. If you have gotten into the habit of immediate gratification, spending more than you make, it won't be easy. But the habit that you made, you can break and create new and better ones.

When it comes to debt, the U.S. government doesn't set a good example. The amount of money the U.S. government receives each year is considerably less than what the government spends. That is just bad business. As of February 2019 the National Debt was 22 Trillion Dollars with interest being paid at 33 Billion Dollars a year. Can this be fixed? Do politicians care?. Starting a personal campaign to continuously communicate with lawmakers may make a difference to convince governments to mend their ways. But let's start debt reduction at the individual level (with us) first before pointing fingers at others.

NOTE: From an off-the-grid-living perspective, we can't truly live off-the-grid, in peace, with creditors trying to hunt us down.

When we say "get out of debt now", that doesn't mean you can just pay off all your bills and live free. It means "start, now, on the process of becoming debt-free". Be encouraged that you can do it and there are rewards. Generally, there are two schools of thought on debt reduction: (1) Some advisors recommend that you focus on the highest-interest debt and pay that off first. It makes the most fiscal sense, but it doesn't work for some people because the size of the loan is so discouragingly large. (2) That's why a second group of financial advisors recommends that you pay off the smallest loan first even if it's not set at the highest interest rate. They believe that, like dieting, even a small success delivers a significant amount of satisfaction. So paying off one loan will provide the incentive and motivation to pay off more and serve as a reminder that becoming debt free is possible. Only you know your personal motivation style, so choose the plan that works best for you.

As mentioned previously, chances are that debt happened because of some bad spending habits; habits that have caused to take the wrong path. Now, purposefully focus on replacing bad habits with saving, reduction in spending and eliminating current debts. Changing financial direction is a four-step process: To omit even one of these steps is to miss the mark.

Suggested References:
Six keys to financial success
Advice on Getting Out Of Debt
How To Approach Your Student Loan Repayment
4 Unique Ways to Pay Off College Debt

Retirement Planning Starts at Age Zero
Job Loss - Plan B - Don't wait for it to happen
Bartering & Finances
Minimalist Living

NOTE: No kind of financial advice is being offered here. This information is being presented for informational purposes only and should NOT be interpreted as a recommendation for a specific plan, product, or course of action. It is presented to help make better financial decisions with the participation of a licensed professional, if desired. These techniques have worked for many others and is presented in the spirit of education and sharing. You are solely responsible for your own actions on how you use this information.