Teaching, Strengthening and Preserving Family Values

It's obvious that the family has been taking hits since man was created. This page intends to help strengthen our country by helping to strengthen the family.

Values Matter: Using Your Values to Raise Caring, Responsible, Resilient Children
Establishing and Maintaining Family Values

We can't stop going to church. Find alternatives and stand up for our rights to worship.
We can't stop teaching GOOD things to our children to counteract the evil attacking them. Homeschool and teach life-lessons and core values during the course of our normal lives.
We can't become like the evil that is in our faces. Practice love with strength and display good over evil.

Developing Christian Character in Children
How Important Are Moral Values in Children?

The Power of Family and its Impact on Society:
The benefits of living in a healthy family are too numerous to mention. The family impact on society includes how people socialize, the beliefs people have, communication, lawfulness and economic activities.
Suggested Readings:
Impact of Family on society
What Is the Role of Family in Society?

Outsourcing Our Family Values:    [Blog Link]
Over the decades, there has been a steady decline of family values; going to church, patriotism and raising children. Former generations have become apathetic, giving up the responsibility to "educators", government, television and social media and "self" is the root cause of the younger generations. A decline in moral values leads to an increase in crime and devaluing human life (resulting in abortion and euthanasia) and an overall breakdown of family and country. The longer these trends continue, the harder it is to recover.

So, how can we reverse these trends? Like any bad habit, apathy and selfishness need to be admitted and then conscious efforts need to take place to reverse the tendencies. Like the smoker or alcoholic trying to quit, it's retraining the mind and automatic responses. We must, first, admit there is a problem and, second, determine we will change.
Related Links:    [Article 1]    [Article 2]    [Article 3]    [Video 1]    [Video 2]

Kindness: Teaching Children How to be Kind to Others:
8-year-old Martin Richard lost his life in the Boston Marathon bombings in 2013. He believed in peace and kindness, values he proudly displayed on a poster he made at school. How do we honor Martin's wish for No More Hurting People? We start by teaching children to care about others every day throughout the year and setting the example by practicing it ourselves.
1. Understand the Importance of Kindness - Learn about the benefits of giving for children and adults.
2. Create Kindness Projects - Plan for children to do ONE act of kindness or ONE pleasant activity per day.
3. Take Time to Share - On a regular weekly basis, share your acts of kindness with the family or classroom.
4. Practice - Reinforcing the kindness habit comes with practice. Once children get into the habit, it's easy to share.

Courage: Teaching Children to Stand Up for Their Values and Beliefs (Raising Dragon Slayers):    [Blog Link]

There are many facets of being a "Prepared Person"; not the least of which is helping our children prepare for their future. There's a catchy statement out there today that goes something like this; "Never feel sorry for raising dragon slayers in a time where there are actual dragons". Many parents, nowdays, are speaking of their sorrow for their children growing up in the world during these distressing times. Make no mistake about it; take off those rose-colored glasses and see that evil (the dragon) runs rampent throughout the world (1 Peter 5:8).

But, now more than ever, we need to be imparting confidence and raising strong, moral, prepared children who will stand up to these dragons and survive during tough times. You, as parents, grand parents, big-brothers, big-sisters and caring friends and sincere teachers of children have the responsibiity of preparing them to conquer the dragons. For, in the years to come, it will be these children who change the world. You are the Masters of the Dragon Slayers Academy. Stay strong! Armor up in the Whole Armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18) and teach your children to fight.
Train children to live the right way, and when they are old, they will not stray from it. (Proverbs 22:6)
  • We cannot raise dragon slayers until we are willing to admit that there are dragons to be slain.
  • We must begin to call sin for what it is; evil.
  • We must teach our children to be kind but tough.
  • We must teach our children to be leaders with a servant heart.
  • We must teach our children to defend themselves and be prepared for tough times.
  • We must help our children learn new skills
  • We must teach our children to properly handle their finances.
  • We cannot celebrate or ignore that which God has condemned.
  • We cannot walk in the path of darkness if we are in the light.
  • We are either worshippers of the One True God or we are worshipping the dragon, satan, and his evil agenda.
  • We must raise our children to know that there is only one Way, Truth, and Life.
  • We must name the dragons, no matter how small or seemingly harmless, what they really are; sin.
  • Our children must know they are dragon slayers, not by their own power but by the grace and authority of Jesus Christ?

    [Blog Link]

Respect for Others:
There is a steadily increasing climate of disrespect in the family and society. Lack of respect is a problem the majority of people don't seem to mind even though it poses a serious threat to our values and character. When we tolerate disrespectful behavior, it can lead to crime and violence. Clearly, our present society lacks the perception about respect.

We all need to learn and understand what respect is and it should all start from home. Education starts inside the home. If you are a parent, you need to know that you are your child's first teacher. It is from the home where a child learns all about love, care, obedience, respect and other important values. Teaching a child about respect should be done through action. Allow your child to experience respect and he will start to understand what it really is and how important it is. Read more here.

Having Fun as a Family (Family Game Night):
It seems that when life gets busy, the real important things (like family activities) fall by the wayside. Be it a scheduled day or time or just on a whim, making time for fun with the family brings us closer together and the world a little nicer. Having fun activities, to lighten the mood, can be especially useful during a natural disaster or other type of emergency. Undergoing too much stress has been shown to be detrimental to physical, mental, and emotional health; something you would certainly wish to avoid during a crisis.
What happened to Family Game Night?
Fun & Games When Things Get Tough

Educate Your Children at Home or Online:
Do the school teachers of your children have the same family values and beliefs as you? Are students being educated or indoctrinated? When sending our children to a public, government-controlled school is against our beliefs or not feasible, homeschooling (or selective online private schooling) is a great alternative. You can do a much better job than public school teachers with a classroom full of students. As long as you can read, and regardless of your level of education, just do what teachers do – buy books with a year's curriculum (program), and follow the instructions. On-line schooling or sharing the homeschooling tasks with neighbors or friends can free-up parents for employment while the child is taught by educators the parents choose. Provide your child with an education you can control and avoid any potential indoctrination agendas. When the opportunity arises, take advantage of online or homeschooling. You can do it! There are lots of helpful resources and support groups:
55 Reasons to homeschool
How to Start Homeschooling Your Kids
Homeschooling vs. Online Education: Which is Better for You?

Strengthening Family Survival Skills:    [Blog Link]
Are you looking for an effective way to put your family's survival skills and teamwork to the test while strengthening the family bond? Build it into a family "roughing it" camping adventure while appreciating nature and the world around you.

You may have spent a great deal of time doing everything to prepare for a disaster and may have begun learning many critical survival skills and, of course, stocked up on all the necessary emergency supplies that you may need. The question is not "do we have all right supplies and knowledge" but "could we actually survive this way in real life if circumstances forced us into it"? It's time to put planning into practice. Here's how.
The Survival Savvy Family at Amazon

When someone you care about hurts you, you can hold on to anger, resentment and thoughts of revenge — or embrace forgiveness and move forward. Letting go of grudges and bitterness can make way for improved health and peace of mind. Forgiveness can lead to:
- Healthier relationships
- Improved mental health
- Less anxiety, stress and hostility
- Lower blood pressure
- Fewer symptoms of depression
- A stronger immune system
- Improved heart health
- Improved self-esteem
These things also apply to forgiving ourself for wrongs we have done which can lead to unending guilt.

Modesty: Is it a Lost Virtue?
Modesty is no respecter of gender and is exhibited by what is "in the mind" (heart) as well as what is worn (or not worn) on the body. It, generally, reflects one's true inner desires/intentions.
Modest or Immodest: A handy guide for telling the difference

Moral/Societal Decay:
Moral decay is, and always has been, one of the major reasons for the failure of a civil society. History is riff with examples, and the most notable was the fall of the Roman empire. The results of moral/societal decay are rise in crime, decreased respect for others and the loss of faith in the chruch and family.

Regarding gun violence; what has changed to make gun violence worse is NOT the availability of guns (which has actually decreased) but Societal Decay. In this video, a Chinese-American Man Destroys the Gun Control Debate.

If we ignore the lessons of history we are doomed to repeat them; indeed, we are repeatng them. Government cannot write laws to stop moral decay. That is the responsibility of "the people", more specifically, "the family". Today's parents have given up their responsibility to instill morality in their children thereby condeming future generations to further decay, generation after generation.

Suggested Reading: Mass Shootings are Caused by Moral Decay : Not Guns

Is it Love or Lust?
This topic may seem strange on a prepping web site or even on a page about helping others. Let me try to explain. If we, truly, have a love for others, our actions will have NO selfish motives; we will not expect to receive anything in return for what we do for others. On the other hand, lust has a motive; the expectation for a sexual relationship. So, why does it make any difference if the outcome of giving to, or helping others is the same? Well, it isn't the same; if we truly love, that love never goes away. On the other hand, if we lust, the kindness we previously exhibited can go away once we fulfill our lustful desires or if our desires are spurned by the one we lusted for; from that moment on, our intentions to be "helpful" can go away or flip to disgust or indifference. Additionally, and most important under "emergency" conditions where a clear and level mind is necessary for survival, intense sexual attraction (lust) is notorious for obliterating common sense and intuition in the most sensible people; bad decisions and serious mistakes are made that could be the difference between life and death, safety or danger.
Here are some distinctions to consider to help understand if a relationship is simply based on lust and not sustainable for a long-term relationship:
  • 1. Why are you interested in the relationship? Lust alone is interest only in the partner sexually. Love is interest in getting to know the person over time.
  • 2. Are you open to the hard work? Lust attempts to keep the relationship on an ideal level. Love expands to having difficult conversations and exploring painful emotions.
  • 3. How do you feel about the person's flaws? Lust loses interest when you discover a person's flaws. Love accepts a person's positive and negative qualities.
  • 4. Does the relationship get better over time? Lust is about immediate gratification. Love develops trust and commitment over a long period of time.
  • 5. Where is the thrill coming from? Lust enjoys the fantasy and excitement of the interaction. Love feels risky and vulnerable because it involves opening yourself up and letting yourself be known.
  • 6. How secure do you feel in the relationship? Lust can be impulsive, obsessional, and desperate. Love tends to be steady and secure.
  • 7. Do you feel "obsessed"? Lust is a high that can feel like an addiction and consume all your mental space. Love holds a more balanced perspective and allows for the ability to maintain a balanced life.
  • 8. Is there longevity? Lust dissipates over time. Love persists.
Lust vs Love: Do You Know the Difference?
Ways To Tell The Difference Between Love & Lust

Man, the maker, is not the maker of man because he is not the maker of nature. Human nature, for those of us who believe what our eyes tell us, is partitioned into men and women. Moreover, the differences between men and women are the differences that instruct us in the reality of the whole of nature. . . Suggested readings:
Save James: Father risks arrest to save 9-year-old son from forced gender-transition
How the Equality Act's Gender Ideology Would Harm Children

Minimalist Living - Stop Living Beyond Your Means
Helping Others Helps Ourselves
How to Stand Up to Those Who Want to Destroy the Family
Survival Companionship