Books on Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Preparations 101     (
"There is no such thing as luck, merely opportunity meeting preparedness." ― George S. Patton Jr.

Preparing for an emergency, long before one is actually announced, is not only a good idea, it's the responsible and mature thing to do for oneself, family, friends and community. The platitude "Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance" will manifest itself, in a good or bad way, depending on how well you have planned. By the time a potential disaster event is announced, panic has already set in to the general public. Pre-planning (not just gathering stuff) is the key to preparation. It will keep a cool head when others have lost theirs. Information, below and throughout this web site, will help to make a plan and prepare for nearly any emergency situation.

Start slow and small with an Emergency Preparations Checklist otherwise it's easy to become overwhelmed and go crazy buying unnecessary stuff and over-spending. Like anything we want to purchase, we should make our shopping list, budget for it and stay within that spending limit.

In modern day we have prepared for everything from earthquakes and floods, to super volcanoes and nuclear weapons. The host of problems that people prepare for could be anything from a simple loss of income, to the end of the world.

For several years, Hawaii was warning their population of the threat of North Korea, yet, when a False Alarm Sounded In Hawaii in January 2018, "Primal fear" set in. Why? They were not prepared emotionally and with the necessary supplies. Don't be "that guy". Plan ahead and keep your composure.

A common misunderstanding to preparing is for some end of the world situation or Hollywood doomsday scenario. Truth is, it's not about preparing for some statistical anomaly, but for the real life challenges that we are all going to face at some point in our lives; the kind of situations that will feel like the end of your world if you're not prepared. Consider these reasons to have a real, documented plan:

In the end, what is the "goal" of being prepared; what's the purpose for all this stuff? Isn't the government going to be there for me and take care of this? I believe that those who ask these questions have never gone through a crisis and those who are able to answer the questions have lived through a crisis and learned from it. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of an adult to take care of their family, community and themselves to reduce the impact of an emergency event. Being prepared reduces fear, anxiety, and losses that accompany disasters. Yes, there may be public resources available if an emergency occurs but those resources will need to be shared (rationed - possibly thin) between everyone who is impacted by that same emergency. There is no guarantee you will be able to get exactly what you need to deal with the emergency. Don't take that risk.

To what end do we survive? Survive to the end. Then start preparing for the next emergency with the knowledge gained from the last emergency. It's said that if you can survive the first 72 hours of a crisis situation, it's highly likely you'll survive the entire crisis.


Prepping isn't a sprint, it's a marathon; learning bits and pieces a little at a time to develop the mind for putting those pieces together when they are needed. To become instinctual; second nature.

Chances are GOOD that something BAD will happen to you during your lifetime. Do you prefer not to think about that or choose to be prepared for it? You can't learn everything but you can teach your brain how to react to any situation calmly and rationally. Thinking through possible scenarios can prepare you to think on your feet when the bottom falls out and keep a cool head when the heat is on.

The best way to jump-start the brain into a preparation mode is to do a Risk Analysis and recall past experiences that were not so pleasant and think of the ways they were handled and resolved. From that point, think of how the impact of those situations could have been lessened with some form of preparations or supplies. Here are some other suggestions to get the Prep Juices flowing:

PREPPING TIPS:    [Blog Link]

[Blog Link]
Disasters come in a variety of forms and can strike anytime, anywhere. People of all ages should have a plan of action in place and in their heads. Are You Prepared for a Disaster? Take These Quizzes to Find Out and get your preparation juices flowing. They will reinforce what you already know while educating you on things you may not know. It's educational. It's fun.
Search for More Quizzes

One excuse used for not preparing for an emergency is that it takes a lot of time. True enough. Anything you pursue with passion and intensity is going to take some time. On the other hand, here is a list of preparation activities that can be undertaken in just five minutes. Preparing for a disaster or crisis or even an economic collapse does not have to be an insurmountable task. Breaking tasks down in to manageable chunks will make the job less chore-like and less of a burden. As a bonus, when you are done, you will feel the sense of satisfaction that comes from knowing that you have done something to secure your safety and well-being if it all goes to heck. Make every day a prepping day; even if it's for only 5 minutes!
As with any plan, it is worthless unless it is communicated, tried and practiced, on a regular, periodic, scheduled (and unscheduled) basis, with everyone in the Emergency Team. Preparing and rehearsing an Emergency Plan Document is essential to preparation. Don't rely on memory or ability to calmly handle an actual emergency when anxiety and panic are normal responses. Regular practice helps everyone respond quickly, reinforces the plan so it becomes second nature, and reduces panic and fear during an actual emergency, freeing participants to focus on how to evacuate, shelter in place, or lockdown. Like anything, practice makes perfect. When the time comes and the brain wants to panic, a well-documented and rehearsed plan will provide structure, calm and clear thinking; reducing anxiety during an actual emergency. The second you get comfortable, the second you think you have things all figured out, that you hold all the keys to all the doors is the moment you become complacent. Complacency is comfort, and comfort is a surefire way to start losing your edge.

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How To Test Your Family’s Survival Skills
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Action Steps to Get Out of Your Prepping Comfort Zone Now!

Go To Emergency Preparations, Part 2
Go To Emergency Preparations Checklist